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The Power of a Franchise Brand

Home  breadcrumb-divider   Franchise Articles  breadcrumb-divider   The Power of a Franchise Brand

Franchisees make a conscious decision to work as an established brand, avoiding much of the hardships of a startup. You’re buying a licence to operate under the company’s brand, but the benefits go well beyond the name: you have a strong brand voice to follow and a blueprint to success.

If you’re considering franchising but still don’t know if it’s the right decision for your entrepreneurial goals, you need to consider the exponential success and benefits to buying a franchise.

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How to Franchise Your Brand for Exponential Success

You have a choice to make: buy a franchise or launch a startup. Startups have more freedom, with failure and success being a result of the choices that you make. Between 2016 and 2021, just 38.5% remained in operation.

Over 6 out of 10 businesses fail, but a UK franchise brand offers you the chance for rapid success thanks to:

  • Proven business frameworks that you’ll follow to success
  • Entering a business model with support from the start
  • Access to training and strategic partners

Franchising breaks away from the harsh reality that 90% of new businesses will struggle during their first year of operation - many closing during this time.

You don’t have to worry about how to build a franchise brand because marketing and a brand voice are already in place. All you have to do is follow the system in place, and you can be another franchisee success story.

The Importance of a Strong Franchise Brand Voice

When you buy a UK franchise, you’ll have a brand:

  • Personality
  • Character

You’ll know how to speak to customers in their language and can apply your voice effectively. Brand awareness for a franchise already exists, so you might start talking to clients and customers the first day you open your doors.

Brand voices aren’t just another “buzzword.” 

Voices are built over time. The franchisor already offers this voice, which you can use as a franchisee to build connections with leads, grow a community and improve confidence in your product or service.

If you’ve ever done business with a franchise, you know that there is a high level of consistency in customer service, the way business is conducted and how people communicate. All of these elements are intentional and are a major part of the franchise’s success.

Why is a brand voice so important? Your voice helps you:

Maintain a Personality That Matches Your Audience

Your ideal clients or customers have certain habits, pain points, and likes and dislikes that must be addressed. A brand voice helps you meet these needs with a personality that is relatable to your audience.

Create Consistency

Balance and consistency lead to long-term financial success for businesses. Authentic brand voices reduce customer and client churn, minimise confusion and provide a consistent voice. 

Build Authentic Connections

The language and tone you use when communicating with customers or potential customers can help build authentic connections and relationships. These connections and relationships also build trust, a crucial component of converting leads.

Speak Directly to Your Audience

Your brand’s voice helps you speak directly to your audience in a way that’s relevant to them and your products or services. In other words, you speak their language.

Brands with a strong voice can communicate with their ideal clients or customers in an authentic, purposeful way. 

A strong franchise brand voice is clearly important, but how do you define a “strong” voice? 

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What Makes a Strong Brand Voice?

What makes one brand voice stronger or more impactful than another? 

A strong brand voice is:

  • Consistent 
  • Authentic 
  • Purposeful

How do brands achieve these three elements? By focusing on the following:

Character and Purpose

For the sake of clarity, consistency and authenticity, brands develop a character and a purpose for their voice. 

Brand characters can be conceptual, or they may be a spokesperson or individual within the organisation. In the case of a financial advisor or business coach, the brand character may represent themselves. They are, after all, the face of the business.

The brand character is the foundation of a strong brand voice. Once defined, brands give their character purpose by defining it’s values and mission.

The primary purpose of a brand character is to communicate the brand’s purpose clearly and in a way that attracts its ideal clients or customers.

The way in which this purpose is communicated is defined in the brand’s tone and language.

Tone and Language

Brands with strong voices also have clearly defined tones and language. The language a brand uses can either alienate or attract its ideal client or customer.

Often, language comes down to formality. 

  • Brands that use formal language may express themselves in longer and more complex sentences. They may use industry jargon or complex vocabulary.
  • Brands that use more casual language may express themselves more colloquially and concisely.

Choosing the right tone and language comes down to understanding your target audience. The aim is to speak to them in a way they can relate to and easily understand. 

Language is one piece of the puzzle, but what about tone?

Brand Voice vs Tone

A brand’s overall voice remains the same, but a brand tone of voice can change depending on the situation. 

Consider this: Your own voice never changes, but your tone does. You may use one tone with your colleagues in a professional setting and a different tone with friends at dinner.

For brands, tone is situational and should be clearly defined for various situations, from the sales process to troubleshooting and customer or client apologies.

As you can see, developing a strong brand voice is a complex process. If your aim is to choose a franchise with a strong voice, look for these elements in their communication and brand guide. 

Take the Next Step

Purchasing a franchise provides many advantages. Along with an established name and audience, a franchise may also have a strong brand voice that makes it easier to resonate with your target audience and remain consistent in your communication.

In addition to having a well-defined brand voice, the ActionCOACH franchise offers a proven profitable framework that has been developed over 30 years. 

Speak to an advisor today to see how an ActionCOACH franchise can help you take the next step in your career.

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