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domainSpecified: franchise
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Rachel Kippen

Finance Assistant
Anything to do with Finance

    Rachel’s Bio

    Rachel has worked in Finance departments for too many years to mention and joined ActionCOACH on 29th February 2016 after taking some time out being a full-time mum.
    Rachel loves fresh air and exercising, particularly coastal walks with her crazy rescue dog Monty, her husband and two teenage daughters.

    Fun facts about Rachel

    • Rachel can be found taking her eldest daughter to dance classes and dance competitions or on the sidelines watching her youngest daughter playing football for her local girls team.

    • Rachel likes to walk 20,000 steps a day.

    • She enjoys cooking for the family it's just the family doesn't always appreciate what she cooks!

    • Rachel loves to travel, she spends way too much time on the internet looking for the next place to visit.

    • Rachel takes great pleasure in meeting up with her friends for 'wine nights' or 'tea and cake'.
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