Merging Minds Leads To Back-To-Back Awards For 21 Degrees Digital

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A merger of marketing minds

“We could mix the geek with the chic!” marked the moment a merger between Rory Mason’s Ground Up Digital, an advertising agency specializing in web, SEO, and PPC advertising, and Kyle Findley and Zac Evans’ 21 Degrees, a creative agency focused on graphic design, videography, and social media management, came into vision. Ground Up Digital embodied the "geek," while 21 Degrees represented the "chic."

Both companies had been working together for years, Ground Up recognising 21 Degrees’ power as story tellers and 21 Degrees recognising Ground Up’s ability to get those stories in front of the right people. “It was a seamless and harmonious fit, it allowed us to focus on what we were good at and allow others to fill in the bits we weren’t great at,” said, now 21 Managing Director, Rory Mason. Integral to the merger was business coach Bill Squires, who had worked with both organisations previously.

Two years on and 21 Degrees Digital, a digital marketing agency based in Leeds, has laid the foundations needed for a successful and coherent business. The hard work of all involved has been recognised as the team has been triumphant at back-to-back BizX award ceremonies. 

21 degrees digital case study

Click here to find out more about 21 Degrees Digital

Finding the right coach

Rory first met Action Coach Bill Squires through one of his clients at Ground Up Digital. “I was doing some work with them on their SEO terms, and Bill, who was coaching them at the time, basically came up to me and said he’ll be keeping an eye out for me.

“A few months went past before Bill reached out to set up a meeting with me. I remember the night before; I was watching the TV and an ActionCOACH advertisement came on – it looked like something I needed – it was perfect timing! After meeting Bill, I knew he was going to be the right coach for me – his energy and passion was incredible. I signed up right away.”

Kyle and Zac met Bill a little further down the line. “We knew we needed a business coach. Zac and I are very creative but at the time lacked the experience as a business owner. We spoke to Rory, who instantly recommended Bill.” 

Mastering the merger

With both brands collaborating frequently, they began to see a slowdown on productivity as they were constantly acting as the middleman between themselves and their clients. “It really did take one conversation over dinner before we decided to merge,” said Rory. “With Bill on board too, we were confident we were making the right decision. So in 2022, we merged both businesses to create 21 Degrees Digital.”

For Kyle, Bill became an ever-more important part of overseeing the merger. “He was instrumental in getting us the right processes in place so we could function successfully. Defining our roles, the finances and our culture were big things in those early months. 

“I remember we were still using ‘us’ and ‘them’ terminology at the start. Bill was pretty hot on reminding us we were now the same business, so our language needed to change too – once we started, it would trickle down to the rest of the team.”

“It was definitely a lot to take in at the start,” added Rory. “Gradually, though, you could see the merger really paying off with the business transforming as a result. I’m not sure we would be where we are today without the help Bill gave us. Instead of making larger changes, we’re now working on tweaking and refining smaller aspects of our business – recently, we’ve been looking at changing how we do our accounts, for example.”

Shared goals = shared success

Award recognition was next on the agenda for 21 Degrees Digital. Encouraged by Bill, Zac attended BizX in 2022. “I was a little ambivalent at first, but after attending the event I was determined that when we came back in 2023, we would be winning an award,” said Zac. “I remember turning to Bill at the end of the ceremony and saying, 'We’ll win one of those next year,' and sure enough, 12 months later we were back at BizX winning the Best Marketing Campaign award.”

After winning the award at BizX 2023, in a similar vein to Zac 12 months earlier, Rory turned to one of their clients, Matt Lech of Flooring by Nature, and said next year he would be joining the 21 Degrees Digital team on stage. “Fast-forward to 2024 and we’d managed to do it for a second time! I unfortunately couldn’t make the ceremony, but to deliver on what we promised to Matt meant a lot to us.

“Winning these awards is pretty awesome! We’re really proud of what we’ve accomplished - it really does justify our decision to join forces back in 2022. We also like to celebrate Bill. The work he’s done with us has been so important for us both personally and professionally - he deserves all the recognition we can give him!”

For Kyle, sharing goals publicly is a big part of the philosophy Bill has implemented in the business. “Accountability is king for Bill. Making your goals public is a great way to keep you motivated to achieve them – especially when you’re working to benefit not just yourself but other people. Of course we want to go three from three at BizX 2025!”

Seeing the results

Success at BizX was a crowning achievement for the team. Garnering recognition for the substantial effort of all involved since their merger is only part of the success story - the numbers make for pleasant reading too. Revenue was up by 125.5% over 2021-22 then increased again by 40.8% for 2022-23. In the same period, profit rose by an astonishing 570% in 2021-22 then for the following year rose by another 110%. 

Bill’s work hasn’t just transformed the figures but had an effect on Rory’s work-life balance and Kyle’s belief in himself as a business owner. “For me, I know I can switch off a lot more easily. I went on holiday last year and was able to feel comfortable turning my phone off so I was able to enjoy my time away. I’ve got so much more flexibility than when I was running a business on my own,” said Rory. 

 “I feel a lot more at home running a business and confident in my skills. We’re looking to continue to grow too. Between us we have some pretty aspirational goals, but they really do give you the hunger to be proactive in chasing constant progress,” added Kyle.

Coach cohesion

For 21 Degrees Digital, recommending a business coach is a no-brainer. “Business is hard – particularly if you run one on your own,” said Kyle. “Having access to an experienced, successful individual such as Bill really does reduce your stress levels. He’s a sounding board for us to bounce ideas off but also to show us there is light at the end of the tunnel if we are faced with a challenge or two.”

Choosing the right coach for you is paramount for Rory. “Bill clicked with us straight off the bat. We were on the same page, which has worked wonders for the business – he’s been phenomenal.

“One of the best things we’ve experienced working with an Action Coach is being part of the business community they build up. As Kyle said, business can be lonely so being able to connect with loads of people through Bill has been great. We’ve got new clients from it, grown our business and been recognised through great events like BizX.”

The coach’s perspective

Bill Squires is a senior franchise partner for ActionCOACH working with a variety of businesses across Yorkshire. “It’s been great fun! The guys at 21 Degrees Digital are enthusiastic, creative, eager to learn and always willing to put what they’ve learnt into action – a recipe for a successful business.

“Their sharing of goals and then being accountable for them is a lesson for all of us. It’s been fantastic for me to see them become a vital cog in our business community – one that is working, winning and celebrating together.”

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